Dr. Zha presents at Aspen Ideas: Climate 2023 with title “Decarbonization of Marine Shipping by CoFlow Jet Rigid Wind Sails”.


This conference is organized by Aspen Institute to address the global climate challenges. It is held in Miami, March 6-9, 2023. We are excited that Vice President Harris will attend and give a speech. <a href=”https://www.aspenideas.org/attend/climate?utm_source=google&utm_medium=adgrant&utm_campaign=&utm_term=aspen%20ideas%20conference&gclid=CjwKCAjw5dqgBhBNEiwA7PryaAO0BPyle6bO8PCOrDL2MP9rH51Wt5WyXeLa9n3RwegXX6KM7JwHDxoCQsIQAvD_BwE”>Aspen Ideas: Climate 2023</a>

By admin | March 5, 2023