Co-Flow Jet Wind Turbines:  A Technology Transforming Wind Energy Generation toward a World of Zero Emission.  

Mission:  We are developing the unique and superior co-flow jet(CFJ) wind turbine technology to revolutionize the way we  harness wind energy with the following goals:  1) Increase wind energy  output and reduce its  cost; 2) Expand wind turbines usage to low wind resource areas; 3) Transform  wind energy industry by superior co-flow jet(CFJ) wind turbine  technology; 4) Protect Mother Earth with sustainable clean wind energy.

Who we are

We are a  group of passionate people who are driven by the ability to promote changes and bring a new technological revolution to wind energy  markets.  With a mindset geared towards the limitless possibilities of the company's technology and people, we see a world with different distances and weights that can bring about a different balance in global interaction.

Our vision

With its revolutionary approach to aerodynamics, CFJ technology  will not only substantially decrease  the fossil fuel consumption, but also transform people's  life style with clean and sustainable energy.  We envision that the coflow jet wind turbines will significantly contribute to the global energy resource. We see the future closer and brighter.  Together, we make the world better!

What we do

We are currently focused on developing coflow jet wind turbine technology to radically  increase the capacity factor and reduce levelized cost of energy. It will expand the usage of wind turbines in low wind resource regions, increase the power output of all size turbines, and reduce the mass and cost of extreme size  turbines by using coflow jet downwind turbines.  Coflow Jet (CFJ) was initially created to redesign airfoil and bring innovation to a technology that has had little progress since the 1960s. With a proprietary technology and design, CFJ has developed a solution with superior performance that can be used in aerospace, energy, maritime, automotive, and other sectors. The development of this technology was supported by DARPA, NASA, Air force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), Army Research Office (ARO), CIRA and Emil Buehler Perpetual Trust, etc.

Technical Characteristics


      Competitive Advantages

  • Capacity Factor (efficiency): 20% Increased
  • Levelized Cost of Energy: 30% Reduced
  • Mass: 30% Reduced
  • Manufacturing Cost: 25% Reduced
  • Usage at Low Wind Speeds: Improved
  • Maximum Turbine Size:  Increased
  • Patents Granted: 11